Time in nature brings clarity, as if our feelings and thoughts have been read in the way only a mother can. With just a couple of weeks till the 80th birthday of the best Mom in the whole universe, thanks are due to Mother Nature. How does she do it?
Innovators interested in the ways of nature find their way to the Biomimicry Guild for natural models to apply to today's challenges in "commerce, governance, science, art, religion and the cosmos". Randall Anway, Sustainable Building Advisor and Architect of New Tapestry LLC, focuses on these principals.
“Life’s patterns matter..earth works without us, we need to learn from it.”
For those of us interested in “doing more with less, handling change and uncertainty, dealing with persistent limitations, using what is readily available and creating abundance”, the mentor is Mother Nature.
Part of the challenge of teaching biomimicry is discussing it. It needs a new language. So much is riding on language now. A recent article on preventative care for Alzheimers describes a void in the language of preventative treatment. In legislatures, we are tripping over legal and religious language referring to natural human behavior. All of this is being added to a system trying to educate, govern and heal in multiple tongues undergoing massive budget cuts.
So what are we to do with this set of limitations? Recently, I have been learning ways to recall musical rhythms. This deals with the part of the brain that looks for patterns, the left brain. Its favorite pattern is the list. Rattling off a list is easy in your own tongue. Doing so in a new one, not so easy. We know the more languages you learn, the faster you pick them up. Presumably this contributes to a faster absorption rate of patterns of all kinds.
Replicating immersion helps language learning. Once, despite broken French at the time, I surprisingly recalled a poem from a new Arab friend met on the TGV. Later, by forcing myself to sit in the front of class, I got an A in what I had anticipated to be a boring pre-Renaissance style class. The same immersion was applied to grasping vocabulary of synthetic financial instruments, international tax, and computer coding.
No need to wait on Washington here either, we can begin by again moving to the front, where new language is urgently needed and activate our pattern makers - "using information instead of energy" like mother and nature.