What began last Fall, when a group of three first looked at the Department of Transportation's proposed sites for artists' installations, at last looks like its going to happen...
“Now we have the community involvement, that was a key objective” said Victoria Obetoh, AFHny volunteer who involved the children in theARTFarm project coming to their neighborhood this summer.
Saturday's Bronx Museum's "Family Affair Happy Together” offered hands-on workshops where kids created their own flower pots and, together, painted the “accent” planters that will be installed in a few weeks.
“At first we had one child run up and work alone for some time, then the others joined and were assigned to their own quadrants" said Valeria Bianco who's images from the day along with Justin Taylor's site plan will soon be available.
"Family Affair is just one of multiple programs underway for arts education at the Bronx Museum" Lynn Pono, Program Manager, offered between breaths while supervising the different activities. “In the media lab, students are creating video and text publications right now."
An education guide of one of their programs, the Bronx Museum Teen Council interview of Tim Rollins and four members of K.O.S. (Kids of Survival) is available at www.bronxmuseum.org
For more information about ARTFarm and FlyNY coming this summer check AFHny's website http://bit.ly/AFHny
ARTFarm Vounteers*
Victoria Obetoh
Valeria Bianco
Shagun Singh
Raquel Resendiz
Little Wing Lee
Justin Taylor
Jenny Broutin
Jack Conviser
Hassan Karimi
*incomplete list
Memorial Day Weekend ARTFarm volunteers will be meeting at http://rebuilderssource.coop//content/view//34/44 .
To participate in ARTFarm or other AFHny events please contact Anne Ledbury at www.afhny.org
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