Tuesday, July 27, 2010

AIANY's What You Say and What They See: A Client Perspective on Winning Proposals

"What if you think you aren't qualified or its not your strength? Do you still submit an RFP or would it be better from the client's perspective to wait till another more appropriate assignment?

Last night at the Center for Architecture, I was able to catch the panel discussion, a lot was discussed but I'd like to comment on this question from the audience and the multiple choice is raises:

A. Yes absolutely respond! It's a numbers game, xEntries = A WIN

B. No, save time, time is money! In no way waste the busy clients' time or your own. You won't win something that is not your strength in this environment.

C. Be direct. Call the client. Check fit. Briefly describe where you see yourself as a firm and see if there is a potential opportunity.

So what did the esteemed panel suggest? C, which let's you do A, B and C - respond, save time and check fit! From that check in, one winning firm brought talent from another and executed the engagement together.

Remember, "clients also have a tough time selecting", the panel cautioned. "The drive to elimination begins immediately" so be conscious of that and don't hold back on your strengths for this or some other assignment i.e. "If you have gone to that museum, your whole life, say so!"

What You Say and What They See: A Client Perspective on Winning Proposals
Kirsten Sibilia, Associate AIA, Chief Marketing Officer, Dattner Architects*
Frances Halsband, FAIA, Principal, Kliment Halsband Architects,
Stephen Yablon, AIA, Principal, Stephen Yablon Architects,
Mark Gordon, AIA, Director for Design, NYU Strategic Assessment, Planning+Design;
Faith Rose, Design Liaison, NYC Department of Design + Construction.

The AIANY posts webinars of many events held at the Center for Architecture so if you cannot attend in person you can still hear what was discussed. http://bit.ly/aia-ny;

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